The IBPS SO Exam is conducted every year by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS ) to recruit Specialist Officers for different positions in the Public sector banks in India. This article is about the various important information related to the IBPS Specialist Officer Exam.

S NoSectionNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
1.Reasoning505040 minutes
2.English Language502540 minutes
3.General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry505040 minutes

S NoSectionNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
1.Reasoning505040 minutes
2.English Language502540 minutes
3.Quantitative Aptitude505040 minutes

IBPS SO Preliminary Exam is the primary selection round of IBPS SO 2024 Exam. Candidates who clear the preliminary exam are eligible to appear for the mains exam. The Preliminary Exam of IBPS SO comprises of three major sections: Reasoning, English Language and Quantitative Aptitude / General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry (For the post of Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari).


  1. Seating Arrangements
  2. Puzzles
  3. Inequalities
  4. Syllogism
  5. Input-Output
  6. Data Sufficiency
  7. Blood Relations
  8. Order and Ranking
  9. Alphanumeric Series
  10. Distance and Direction
  11. Verbal Reasoning

English Language

  1. Cloze Test
  2. Reading Comprehension
  3. Spotting Errors
  4. Sentence Improvement
  5. Sentence Correction
  6. Para Jumbles
  7. Fill in the Blanks Para/Sentence Completion

Quantitative Aptitude

  1. Number Series
  2. Data Interpretation
  3. Simplification/ Approximation
  4. Quadratic Equation
  5. Data Sufficiency
  6. Mensuration
  7. Average
  8. Profit and Loss Ratio
  9. Proportion Work,
  10. Time and Energy
  11. Time and Distance
  12. Probability
  13. Relations
  14. Simple and Compound Interest
  15. Permutation and Combination

General Awareness

  1. Current Affairs
  2. Banking Awareness
  3. GK Updates
  4. Currencies
  5. Important Places
  6. Books and Authors
  7. Awards
  8. Headquarters
  9. Prime Minister Schemes
  10. Important Days
Name of TestNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDuration
Professional Knowledge6060English & Hindi45 minutes
Name of TestNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDuration
Professional Knowledge(Objective)4560English & Hindi30 minutes
Professional Knowledge(Descriptive)2English & Hindi30 minutes
IT Officer (Scale-I) SyllabusAgricultural Field Officer (Scale-I) SyllabusMarketing Officer (Scale-I) SyllabusLaw Officer (Scale-I) SyllabusHR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I) Syllabus
Database Management SystemData Communication and NetworkingOperating SystemSoftware EngineeringData StructureComputer Organization and MicroprocessorObject Oriented ProgrammingBasics of Crop productionHorticultureSeed ScienceAgronomy and IrrigationAgricultural EconomiesAgricultural PracticesSoil resourcesAnimal HusbandryAgroforestryEcologyGovernment SchemesBasics of Marketing ManagementBrand ManagementAdvertisingPRSalesRetailBusiness EthicsMarket SegmentationMarket research and forecasting demandProduct Life CycleCorporate Social ResponsibilityService MarketingMarketing StrategiesBanking RegulationsCompliance and Legal AspectsRelevant Law and Orders related to negotiable instruments, securities, foreign exchangePrevention of Money-laundering, Limitation ActConsumer Protection ActSARFAESBanking Ombudsman SchemeLaws and Actions with the direct link to Banking SectorBankers Book Evidence ActDRT ActHuman Resource DevelopmentBusiness policy and strategic analysisTransnational AnalysisTraining and DevelopmentRecruitment and SelectionRewards and RecognitionIndustrial RelationsBusiness Policy and Strategic AnalysisGrievance and Conflict ManagementPerformance Management and Appraisal


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