A clerical post is a very dignified position offered to candidates who clear Bank Clerk Exams. A Bank Clerk is responsible for a lot of customer services provided at various Banks. The banking sector, as we speak of it, is the backbone of the country’s economy, and Bank Clerk serves as the building blocks of this reputed organization. Being a front office job, a Bank Clerk pays a vital role in providing the best customer service to all the existing customers of the Bank.

IBPS Clerk Syllabus
Exam Conducting BodyInstitute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)
Name of ExamIBPS Clerk
Selection ProcessPrelimsMains
IBPS Clerk Exam WeightagePrelims: 100 MarksMains: 200 Marks
Duration of ExamIBPS Clerk Prelims: 1 HourIBPS Clerk Mains: 2 Hour 40 Minutes
Marking scheme (Prelims)1 mark each for every correct answer in Online Test
Negative marking1/4th of the marks assigned to the question in MCQ
Mode of ExaminationOnline
Language of Examination13 regional languages along with Hindi & English
SectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksDuration
English Language303020 minutes
Numerical Ability353520 minutes
Reasoning353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes
SectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksDuration
General English404035 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505045 minutes
Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude506045 minutes
General/Financial Awareness505035 minutes
Total1902002 hours 40 minutes

The syllabus for Numerical Ability / Quantitative Aptitude and English Language is the same for mains and preliminary exams. In addition to these two, the other subjects are General / Financial Awareness and Reasoning & Computer Knowledge. General Awareness is based on the Banking Sector awareness.

English Language 
VocabularyGrammarReading Comprehension
HomonymsAntonymsSynonymsWord FormationSpellingSpotting ErrorsPhrases and idiomsDirect and Indirect speechActive/ Passive voiceTheme DetectionPassage completionTopic rearrangement of passageDeriving Conclusion
Reasoning Ability 
Verbal ReasoningNon-Verbal Reasoning
AnalogyClassificationWord formationStatement and conclusions SyllogismStatement and assumptionsStatement and argumentsCoding-DecodingBlood RelationsPassage and conclusionsAlphabet testSeries TestNumber, Ranking and time sequenceDirection sense TestDecision-making testFigure seriesInput/outputAssertion and reasoningSitting ArrangementSeries testOdd figure OutAnalogyMiscellaneous Test
Quantitative Aptitude
Ratio and proportionAveragesTime and workSpeedDistance and timeMixture and allegationStocks and sharesPercentagesPartnershipClocksVolume and surface AreaBar & GraphsLine chartsTablesHeight and DistancesLogarithmsPermutation and combinationsSimple and compound interestEquations, ProbabilityTrigonometryProfitLoss and DiscountMensurationElements of AlgebraData InterpretationPie charts
Basics of Hardware and softwareWindows operating system basicsInternet terms and servicesBasic Functionalities of MS-Office( MS-word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint)History of computersNetworking and communicationDatabase basicsBasics of HackingSecurity ToolsViruses
General Awareness
Current AffairsBanking 
Current affairs related to national and international issues of last 6 months,Overview of Indian Financial System,History of the Indian banking systemRecent credit and monetary policiesIntroduction to National financial institutions like RBI, SEBI, IRDA, FSDC etc and of International organizations like IMF, World Bank, ADB, UN etc,Abbreviations and Economic terminologiesBanking Terms,Important Government Schemes on capital & money market


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